+ (92) 333 236 5833


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Saudi Data Management and Personal Data Protection Standards

Saudi Data Management and Personal Data Protection Standards

Saudi Data Management and Personal Data Protection Standards

Our company specializes in assisting organizations in Saudi Arabia with compliance to the evolving data management and personal data protection framework. We offer tailored solutions to help businesses navigate the intricacies of data regulations.

Our services encompass comprehensive assessments, strategic guidance, and practical implementation support to ensure adherence to national privacy frameworks and international standards. With a focus on data security, privacy, and regulatory compliance, we empower our clients to safeguard personal data, mitigate risks, and foster trust with their customers and stakeholders. Partner with us to streamline your journey towards compliance and uphold the highest standards of data management in alignment with Saudi Arabia’s evolving regulatory landscape.

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Compliance Wing was founded by the team of Information Security experts with years of experience in the field of payment systems as fully independent security assessors.

Β© 2023 Compliance Wing Private Limited.